Future conferences we’ll be at:
- All Things Open 2023 - October 15th, 2023
Join us at All Things Open, the premier polyglot technology conference for open source enthusiasts, featuring a diverse audience of designers, developers, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and technologists. Don't miss our CEO Avi Press's talk, "Beyond the Download Button: Lessons Learned from Analyzing 1 Billion Open Source Downloads," where we'll explore data-driven insights and best practices of successful open source projects. Additionally, our Head of Open Source Strategy, Matt Yonkovit, will share insights in his talk, "The $10,000 Query: A Funny Thing Happened Last Week," revealing the hidden costs lurking behind modern "as a service" offerings and offering valuable advice to keep expenses in check.
- Scale by the Bay - November 13th, 2023
Get ready to venture into a hilarious journey at Scale By the Bay, the ultimate developers' conference where community meets cutting-edge tech. Among the exciting talks lined up, don't miss "Why Haskell is a Terrible Choice for Startups (And Why We Picked It Anyway) by Avi Press" Join us for a rollercoaster ride through Scarf's four-year odyssey deploying Haskell in a startup setting, where the 'worst' tool choice became an unexpected adventure.
Save the date: November 13 for workshops and November 14-15 for the main event.
- Community Over Code - October 8th, 2023
Join us at Community Over Code, where among other exciting talks, you’ll get to enjoy "How to Ethically Track the Usage of Your ASF Project" by Matt Yonkovit. Open source sustainability hinges on understanding your project's usage trends, but often maintainers work in the dark. Join us as we explore ethical and ASF-approved methods for ASF projects to gain insights into adoption, usage, and community trends.
Mark your calendar for this exciting event, coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia, from October 7-10, 2023.
- KubeCon - November 6th - 9th, 2023
We are excited to announce that we will be attending Kubecon 2023, the premier event for cloud native enthusiasts and professionals. Kubecon 2023 is organized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which supports the development and adoption of open source technologies. Kubecon 2023 will take place in Chicago, Illinois from November 6-9, 2023. It will feature keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities with experts and peers from the cloud native community. We hope to see you there!
New episodes of the Hacking Open Source Business Podcast:
EP 31 with John Robb, Developer Relations at ReactFlow:
EP 32 with Peter Farkas, CEO of FerretDB:
EP 33 with Robert Hodges, CEO of Altinity:
EP 34 with Timothy Chen, partner at Essence VC:
Product Updates:
Over the last few months we have continued to release new features, refinements, and updates to the Scarf Platform:
- Time Intervals on Dashboard Charts:
- Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Intervals: We've added new time intervals to the charts on the Scarf dashboard, giving you more flexibility in analyzing your data.
- Added reporting by GitSHA information:
- Data Exports:
- Improved the performance and overall speed of users data exports.
- Additional Insights: We've enriched the data exports to include additional insights, making your reports more comprehensive.
- Added the ability to Invite non-Scarf users into your organization:
- You can now invite new users to join Scarf and your organization directly via email.
- Improved the ability to change profile settings, including changing your account email.
- Added Scarf Gateway support for query parameters as file package variables. This allows the use of UTM-like variables to aid in tracking the source of those downloading your software.
- Low confidence flagging:
- Performance Improvements:
- Download Speed: Significant enhancements have been made to improve the performance and speed of downloads.
- Security Updates:
- Data Security: We've implemented several security enhancements to protect your data better.
- Network Improvements:
- Lower Latency and Higher Throughput: We've made infrastructure improvements to reduce network latency and increase throughput.
We hope you find these updates useful! As always, we're open to feedback and suggestions. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments.
In case you missed it:
We released new updates to the Scarf home page allowing you to find information, content, and news from Scarf.
- News & Media page:
- Events page:
Scarf News Roundup:
(Featuring our recent blog: Open Source Metrics: Fear and Loathing (Part 2))
- How Open Source startups can win investors with community traction - Via Tech.eu
- Scarf open source leader: Why metrics matter - Via Techzine
- Selling Open Source: 101 - Guide for Sales and Marketing Teams - Via Scarf Blog
- Beyond the Surface: How to Engage with the Quiet Members of your Open Source Community - Via Scarf Blog
- Why Open Source Projects and Companies Should Adopt "Open Source Qualified Leads" - Via Scarf Blog
- Measuring the Commercial ROI of DEVREL - Via Scarf Blog